Jake Anthony

Hi and welcome to my website!

My name is Jake Anthony. I’m a Canadian Certified Inclusion Professional and have been an advocate for people with disabilities for over fifteen years. I myself identify as living with a disability (specifically autism.) My work has been focused around building more accessible communities, inclusive education, equality in the workplace, as well as working to build a more diverse, welcoming society for all. I’ve worked in the non-profit sector for over a decade in various staff and volunteer positions. Some of these organizations include Inclusion BC, Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion, Kickstart Disability Arts & CultureposAbilitiesPlanned Lifetime Advocacy NetworkDisability Alliance BCBC Council for Families, amongst others. I previously served a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the provincial Crown corporation Community Living BC (CLBC) from 2018 to 2021.

My current day job is as the Program Ambassador for AutismBC. I work to connect and engage members of the autistic community in sharing their lived experiences to educate neurotypical people about autism. I also act as a spokesperson for the organization, promoting it’s programs, as well as doing community presentations for schools, businesses and community organizations wanting to learn about people on the autism spectrum. I’ve been a guest lecturer and ASD advisor for Capilano University’s Applied Behaviour Analysis-Autism Program since 2017. In addition, I’ve also had the pleasure of being a guest speaker for Langara College’s Early Childhood Education Special Education course, as well as at Vancouver Community College.

I look forward to connecting with you on LinkedIn about the possibility of me offering my services as a consultant, advocate and community collaborator!

All the best,
